Oh yea baby

Oh yea baby

Woger Wabbit

Kevin is a 28 year old who works in sales. For the first date, we meet for drinks at a Mexican restaurant in NJ. Everything goes well. He seems really nice and he is cute. The only problem is that he has a speech impediment where he switches the letter "R" with the letter "W". Its not that bad and is not noticable at first but the more I concentrate on it, the more I hear it. So if he says something like "I ran really fast". All I hear is "I wan weally fast". Ok, Im letting it go because everything else meets my checklist criteria. He even owns his own house and fixed most of it himself which gives him some extra bonus points. On the first date, he told me that he knows how to cook which was his segway into inviting me over for dinner for Date 2. I think its kinda sweet that he wants to cook me dinner so I agree to it. After talking to one of my friends, I realize that its probably not the best idea in the world to go to some random strangers house for dinner the second time I hang out with him. But if you have been reading the previous postings, its pretty clear that I put myself into stupid situations and when it comes to guys, I do some things that dont make too much sense. So I go. He says he lives in Red Bank. Im driving for a while and actually have to travel through a desolate, woody area before I finally get to a log-cabin looking house. At this point, I have accepted the fact that I may not return home in one piece and have called my friend to tell her where I am in case she needs to send a search party after me. At this point, most people would turn around. Of course, I go in. Dinner is nice. His house is nice. And I actually dont get poisoned or molested, which are all big pluses. (Of course, at one point in the night after 2 glasses of wine, I am convinced that I have been slipped the date rape drug and I start to feel wierd and tingly. After I stop with the dramatics, I realize Im just feeling tipsy.) He calls me for a Date 3. We go to a restaurant in NJ thats BYOB. He remembers the bottle of wine that I brought to his house and brings the same wine to dinner. I think this is very sweet and thoughtful. He has a sarcastic sense of humor, which I typically enjoy. However, his sarcasm is even more blunt than mine and sometimes his comments just sound like digs. Im sure mine sound the same way sometimes, but I really wasn't getting it at some points and I think it was a tad bit meaner than mine, which I know is pretty hard to beat. Dinner is going fine until he starts to ask me about my previous relationships. I tell him I've had 3 serious relationships and a brief summary of why they didnt work. He questions the 2nd one, which just so happens to be with a guy who had a drug/crazy issue and was hospitalized for a short time to deal with his problems. Kevin says, "So you put this person in the hospital and then left him" I say no and try to explain the story again as briefly as I can. He says "Oh, so you broke up with him after he was in the hospital. Thats nice!" I say, no I stayed with him for a while after that cause I didnt think that was the right thing to do. He says "Oh, so you led him on and then dumped him." At this point, A) I dont want to talk about the demise of this relationship any further B) Im sick of explaining myself C) I'm starting to get very irritated with Woger Wabbit We are supposed to be going to the movies after dinner. We leave the restaurant and he asks me if I would like to get in his car (we have 2 separate cars). I say "Thank you for dinner but I think Im just going to leave now." He looks at me dumbfounded and says ok. I get in the car and get a text asking what happened. And I say "I'd rather not be abused on a date." He explains that he was just kidding. I explain that there is a difference between sarcasm and just being plain mean. Besides that speech impediment was really starting to bother me.

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