Oh yea baby

Oh yea baby

I almost cried

David is a photographer, graphics design, and software developer. Yup, all of those things. We get through all the back and forth communication nonsense (on eharm) and he writes me a message asking me if I will do a 5K with him on Wednesday (on Monday!). He says he will pay for my entrance fee (I guess to entice me to say yes). I respond back that I am busy Wednesday but that maybe we can work something out for another day and that Tuesdays are good for me. I hit send and without exaggeration, my phone rings 20 seconds later. My roommate can attest to it, Im not even kidding. I expected it to be a telemarketer cause it was from a number I didnt recognize. He says hey its David. Im completely thrown off and say, what? who? He explains and I almost pee my pants. He immediately starts asking me getting to know you questions and Im laughing so hard that I cant even generate a response to "Why did you decide to be a therapist?" and say "Um I just kinda picked it." My roommate tries to convince me not to go out with psycho stalker as he has started stalking pre first date. Were going out tomorrow night. Now I understand why I find all the crazies. I encourage this behavior.
So just got back from this lovely date and it turns out David not only has some Asperger's qualities, but he also dabbles in psychotherapy. Apparently he is very into reading articles on the mind and personalities and all that and after speaking to me for all of 20 minutes he diagnoses me with alexithymia. What is alexithymia you may be asking. Well according to wikipedia it is a state of deficiency in understanding, processing, and describing emotions. He asks me all sorts of questions about how I interact with people and about my past relationships and since I felt like I was talking to a shrink, I just told him exactly what I thought and felt (which in my mind is not showing deficiency, but whatever). So after he makes me feel like crap about myself and my inability to be in a loving and mutual relationship with other human beings, he insists that he wants to spend more time with me and find a place to go for ice cream. Now he decides to educate me on how I can run longer distances (as I divulged that I wanted to run a marathon but hurt my back and cant run over 5 miles anymore). He tells me that I need to run barefoot so that my body can self adjust to the most efficient way to run without getting injured. He insists that my feet will develop enough calluses and my calves will get big enough for this to work. I finally manage to politely tell him that it was time for me to go home. He walks me to my car, gives me an awkward hug, and then sprints yup sprints to his car. It was so fast! On the car ride home, I think about everything he said and tears start to actually well in my eyes before I decide I am not letting this freakazoid make me cry. I will cry on my own recognizance. I take the online test to see if I have this syndrome and the result is that I have some possible traits. Ok, some possible traits is acceptable. At least it didnt say Im void of emotion all together. Bright side: I learned a new word today.


  1. just want to say:

    1. he was focusing all of his energy on diagnosing you with something so that perhaps you wouldn't see or diagnose his disabilities


    2. the fact that you showed emotion by crying negates or debunks his misdiagnosis of whatever that disorder was.

    just saying

  2. "Things that make you go hmm..."


    5 Types to Avoid in Relationships


    #5 Happens to be

    The Blogger. For the record, we're still talking only about those bloggers who publish self-indulgent diaries as a sort of poor man’s insta-therapy, replete with poor spelling, gratuitous sexual minutiae, rants about exes, rants about you, gushing over a new crush, "photos of me," more rants about you, a blow-by-blow of last night’s fight, "a photo of my new tattoo," and even more rants about you. Unless you actually like the idea of your every niggling argument being adjudicated by the masses.

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